Everyone knows that emergencies happen every day and no one understands that better than the Albert E. and Gena Reaud Children's Emergency Center located at Baptist Beaumont Hospital. This newly created center is changing the way children receive emergency care by creating an environment that is non-threatening and calming to children and informative to their parents. When children and their parents arrive at the center, they will be welcomed into the children's waiting area with child-size accommodations. They will follow a sea adventure down the specially designed hallway as they arrive to the five bed pediatric emergency center.
Staffed with highly qualified Emergency Registered Nurses and Board Certified Emergency Medicine Physicians, this new center will provide high-quality patient centered care for pediatric patients with emergent, urgent,Pediatric Center and non-urgent medical needs. Equipped to treat a wide range of pediatric medical problems for patients from infancy through sixteen years of age, the Albert E. and Gena Reaud Children's Emergency Center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas has been serving the community for over 60 years. Our health care system is dedicated to providing quality health services in a Christian environment in order to improve health care for member of the Southeast Texas community.
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